Tuesday, June 30, 2009

ice 5.ice.0 Louis J. Sheehan, Esquire


Kyle falls into an ice hole and when Stan comes to rescue him, they find a frozen man embedded in the ice. The boys pull the ice man out, Mephesto takes the ice man back to his laboratory to thaw him out. He discovers that the ice man has been frozen since 1996. The government wants to get him for their own experiments, but Stan and Kyle free him, so the government hires Steve Irwin (from "Crocodile Hunter") to track him down.
Full Recap

After watching The Crocodile Hunter the boys decide to go searching for crocodiles. Kyle trips on a stone and slides down a hill and falls into a hole. At the bottom of the hole, Kyle finds he is in a cave. When Stan comes down to rescue him he discovers a prehistoric iceman. Kyle and Stan speculate on what kind of reward they might get for finding the icemen. Somehow, the 4 boys manage to get a man encased in a block of ice out of the hole. Stan decides that iceman's name should be “Gorak” and Kyle thinks it should be “Steve.” And so Stan and Kyle begin their fight over who should get the credit for finding the iceman. The town is debating capital punishment, when the boys arrive with the icemen. Dr. Mephisto arrives on the scene and agrees to thaw the iceman. He can't reward the boys, but lets them give the iceman a name. Kyle quickly yells out “Steve.” Dr. Mephisto starts thawing the iceman and determines that given his clothing, he must be from 1996. Reporters arrive on the scene and Kyle has been given credit for the discovery, much to the chagrin of Stan. Dr. Mephisto is ready to do the autopsy when they realize that the iceman is still alive. Dr. Mephisto (oblivious to the fact that “Steve” is speaking perfectly good English) seeks out a way to communicate with the thawed iceman. He decides the simple mind of a child will do the trick, so he requests that Officer Barbrady bring one of boys to help. All the boys arrive at the lab, where Stan easily communicates with “Steve.” Then “Steve” freaks out when he finds out that he has been frozen for 32 months. Dr. Mephisto gives him a sedative. Kyle blames Stan for causing the freak out and they begin to fight, each claiming to the other that Cartman is now his best friend.
Some men arrive and offer to help Dr. Mephisto with his experiments with the iceman. Dr. Mephisto shows them the habit that he and Kevin have setup for the iceman, which duplicates the environment of 1996. The men help Dr. Mephisto raise funds for his experiments by putting the iceman on display. The boys object to the iceman being put on display. Later that night, Stan comes to bust "Gorak" out and Kyle also arrives on the scene with plans to rescue "Steve." Stan and Kyle begin fighting over who is going to do the rescuing; when Stan opens for the door for the iceman whose real name is Larry. Larry leaves the lab while the boys are in the midst of their fight, which ends with them planning to fight at the bus stop the following afternoon. Meanwhile, Larry is out wandering the streets of South Park. Dr. Mephisto and the men discover the iceman's escape and wonder where he might have gone off to. The men realize they will need "special assistance" to find the iceman. Larry arrives at the door of his home and when his wife answers, she doesn't recognize him. She introduces him to current lover and tells him the story of their attempt to rescue him. Larry is dejected and decides that he might as well refreeze himself. Stan is talking to him as he is doing this, when Kyle arrives on the scene, with some information for "Steve." Kyle shows him a brochure for Des Moines, a place that is two years behind the time, just like Larry. Both Kyle and Stan plan to get the iceman to Des Moines and escape just as Dr. Mephisto and the men arrive on the scene. They've brought their specialist with them, The "Crocodile Hunter," who claims he can track anything.
Stan and Kyle try to buy Larry a one-way train ticket to Des Moines. The boys pause for a moment to start their fight. The “Crocodile Hunter” is one the trail of iceman, when he gets distracted by the Rocky Mountain rattler. Larry gets his train ticket and thanks Stan and Kyle for their help, telling them what he's learned about friendship, as Stan and Kyle continue to beat the crap out of each other. The train leaves the station as Dr. Mephisto, the men and the Crocodile Hunter arrives at the scene. They all go in pursuit of the train and catch up to it. The Crocodile Hunter manages to corner Larry and gets his thumb in Larry's butt hole. The men, with aid of a helicopter manage to stop the train. The blades from the helicopter manage to dice and slice the Crocodile Hunter quite nicely. Dr. Mephisto and the men search for Larry, who manages to steal the helicopter and escape to Des Moines. The men, who it turns out, were from the government; have to give up on their plans to use the iceman in their plot against Sweden. Kyle and Stan agree to become best friends again as "Crocodile Hunter" Cartman attempts to stick his thumb in the butt hole of a cow.
Kenny dies when he pulled underneath the conveyor used for the tourists in the iceman display. As they are in the midst of their fight when this happens, when Stan says his catchphrase "Oh my God, they killed Kenny…," he waits for Kyle's standard response, which doesn't come. Kyle looks at him and says "What? I'm not talking to you."

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